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Providing a single 1300 nm, single-mode LASER channel, GE Multilin's UR-7DH is an Inter-Relay Communications Module.



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  • Part Number: UR-7DH
  • Manufacturer: GE Multilin
  • Series: UR Series Universal Relays

UR-7DH Technical Specifications

Dimensions approx. 6”L, 7”W, 1.5”H
Manufacturer General Electric Multilin (GE)
Manufacturing Location Markham, Ontario, Canada
Weight approx. 1.2kg

About the UR-7DH

General Electric Multilin’s UR-7DH is an Inter-Relay Communications Module that offers a single channel. The provided channel is a 1300 nm, single-mode LASER channel. 

The relay, in conjunction with the module, is able to detect the deterioration or failure of communications channels and activate an alarm in order to alert users to the active situation. Integrated channel monitoring provides users with data pertaining to channel health, which can be reviewed easily using Multilin’s EnerVista UR software program. The relay is capable of reactively responding to shifting channel variables and maximize the potential for channel health. 

The UR-7DH module is a good choice for users seeking to replace old modules of a similar nature or for users seeking to upgrade their Universal Relay which did not come with interrelay communication capabilities. Prospective buyers can reference the order code tables for their respective Universal Relay; any order code segment with an “XX” indicates that the given relay does NOT come with that module installed, making purchasing it a potential necessity if those capabilities are required.

Frequently Asked Questions about UR-7DH

What are the unique features that differentiate the 7D type 7 communications module GE Multilin UR-7DH from other order options within the type 7 communication options?
The type 7 Communications Module UR Series Universal Relays GE Multilin UR-7DH COMMS Module is of the 7D order specification. This means that this communications module only has one channel (some have two). The UR-7DH COMMS Module is described by a single-mode Laser with a 1300 nm wavelength. The orientation of the one channel for the 7D and for the 72 Modules is at the top vertical position with a Tx1 and an Rx1. The visual for this description is found in figure 3-29 of the T60 Transformer Protection System catalogue. A maximum of one inter-relay communications order code can be selected per T60 unit. The 7D communications module order code may also be included in the reduced size version (vertical T60). The 7D order option can also be found in the L90 Multilin GE universal relay. This communications module provides the universal relay with advanced communication capabilities to add flexibility to communicate data remotely and to provide engineering access. This advanced communication ability reduces the need to add an external communication hardware to the system, benefiting the end user.

Reviews For UR-7DH

Internal Review

While the UR-7DH is an excellent choice for interrelay communication, it does only offer one channel; prospective buyers should ensure two channels are not needed and can reference the replacement module order codes (found in most UR user manuals) to gain a better understanding of what each module variation offers. -AX Control Tech Team