About the UR-8GH
One of the many modules designed for GE Multilin’s Universal Relays series, the UR-8GH is a CT/VT module that provides sensitive ground protection with its current transforming and voltage transforming capabilities. This module is a notable improvement over the base model of the module, as its sensitive ground protection feature makes it ten times more sensitive to fault detection of this variety.
The UR-8GH module is highly configurable by editing system settings through the Universal Relay’s keypad and LCD, or more easily through Multilin’s EnerVista software program. The EnerVista program can connect to the relay directly through the RS232 port located on the faceplate of the device or through Ethernet connection if it is available on the given unit. The relay’s setpoints allow users to set up different CT/VT schemes for highly specified protection, such as establishing concurrent split-phase and differential protection for the system.
General Electric Multilin’s UR-8GH also increases safety for users as it possesses an automatic shorting mechanism when the Universal Relay is withdrawn from its case. Additionally, the monitoring features enabled by scaling down rated voltages and currents allow a greater understanding of the system and its needs, offering users valuable information to improve their system and address hazardous faults and their causes. Finally, the relay’s advanced health diagnostics can validate the integrity of CT/VT signals, ensuring that all data is accurate and generated properly.