About the UR-9TH
Intended to operate within the Universal Relays series as a CPU module, the UR-9TH is produced by General Electric Multilin. This version of the CPU module supports multiple ports in relation to its Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) element. This feature enables seamless recovery in the event of a network failure by employing a combination of frame duplication and LAN duplication techniques.
Multilin’s UR-9TH and the Universal Relays series as a whole cuts down on troubleshooting time by providing users with errors detected by its self-assessment capabilities. For example, the WRONG TRANSCEIVER error code indicates when the variety of SFP does not match the CPU type; users can then use data collected by the relay and compare it against their CPU module to know the exact nature of the issue. Similarly, the Equipment Mismatch Self-Test can assess whether the installed hardware modules properly match the order code stored in the CPU, encouraging users to ensure modules are properly installed and paired.
The CPU module can handle multiple types of input and output signals and can help manage communications with a programming device, operator interface, or other UR units. CPU modules including the IEEE 1588 protocol can also synchronize these messages with accuracy up to one microsecond.