About the HE800FOX104
HE800FOX104 is a Fiber Optic Extension System that is manufactured by Horner APG as part of the SmartStack HE800 series. In this extension system, the maximum number of stacks is 5, and the maximum number of cable drops to any specific hub or base is 3. The maximum Fiber Optic cable drop is 10 meters (per drop). Each base or hub on the extension system must have a unique Base ID #. The expansion I/O is EIAJ RC-5720 Plastic Fiber, TX+RX 10m per drop max host (OCS or hub) to base. The primary power is 9-30VDC @ 400mA maximum. The power draw is 9-30VDC @ 400mA maximum. The height is 4.25 inches, the width is 6.63 inches, and the mounting depth is 4.7 inches. The operating temperature for this system is 32-122°F. This system is UL listed as Class 1, Groups A, B, C, D, Division 2. The system is also CE certified.
This fiber optic extension system must be mounted in the proper orientation, which can either be horizontally, or vertically with the nameplate toward the bottom. This system can either be hard-mounted to the back plane or mounted on a DIN-Rail strip. The user must use high quality fiber optic cables for the cable installation. All direction changes must adhere to a Minimum
Bend Radius of one inch (25.44mm) during installment of the fiber optic cable. These fiber optic cables can be either 1 meter, 2 meters, 5 meters, or 10 meters. This system has 3 LEDs: FIBER OK, PWR, and RUN.