About the CV-200M
CV-200M is a 2,000,000-pixel Mega Digital monochrome that is manufactured by Keyence as part of the CV-3000 series. The scanning system is progressive at 59 ms. The lens mount method is a C mount. This camera weighs approximately 110 grams. The transfer system is a digital serial transfer. This unit produces 1,920,000 valid pixels. The electronic shutter speeds are 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/240, 1/500, 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/5000, 1/10000, and 1/20000. The relative humidity (non-condensing) should stay between 35 and 85%. The ambient temperature should not fall below 32°F.
There are a number of useful inspection tools supported in this series. One of the inspection tools available on this camera is the pattern sort tool. This tool can register up to 256 patterns by coping with changes in the size or shape of an expected search target. For instance, if the expected search target is a star, the pattern sort too will register distorted stars, rounded stars, stars of any size, stars made up of separate shapes, etc. The differential inspection tool notices differences between captured images and reference images and extracts those differences to create a separate image. The captured image is defective and the registered image is not defective. The stain inspection tool searches for defects by comparing average contrast levels on a target surface. This tool also detects degree of difference between the expected product and the captured image of the actual product.