About the CV-S200MU
CV-S200MU is a CV-3000 series controller that is manufactured by Keyence for the associated monochrome series cameras. The controller may connect to the CV series camera via Ethernet or a RS232C serial port. Use a cable compatible with the communication specification you use: LAN cable for an Ethernet connection and Modular cable (plus D-sub 9-pin connector) for an RS232C connection.
There are a number of commands that may be implemented on the CV series. JW is the ChangeBinaryData command, which sets the upper and lower limits on the binarization filter of the window that is specified. MI is the InitCommandMemory command, which sets all of the current command memory values to the initial command memory values. MR is the ReadCommandMemory command, which reads data from the specified command memory. MW is the ChangeCommandMemory command, which sorts data into up to 32 pieces of command memory. RR is the RefreshReferencePosition command, which uses the currently registered images to recalculate the base reference values. TE is the EnableTrigger command, which also disables the trigger input. The proprietary extension commands are ExecuteCommand, ExecuteCommandAsync, TriggerAndGetResult, RecievePacket, ClearPacket, SetTimeout, GetTimeout, and GetCommandResult. The connection command is Cao.AddController, which implements the provider to a variable and makes a connection to CV series. T1 and T2 are input trigger commands. R0 and S0 is the ChangeMode command, which switches the operation mode to stop or run modes. RS is the Reset command. SS is the StoreSetting command, which saves data from the currently selected program setting number.