About the KV-E8TP
The KV-E8TP is an eight (8) outputs transistor (source) by Keyence. The KV-E8TP is an expansion unit of forty (40) mA or less. The KV-E8TP weighs approximately one-hundred (100) grams. The KV-E8TP has a rated load voltage of thirty (30) VDC. The KV-E8TP has a rated output current of zero point five (0.5)A/point (NPN), zero point three (0.3)A/point (PNP). The KV-E8TP has a current leakage of one-hundred (100)µA or less. The KV-E8TP has a residual voltage while ON is zero point eight (0.8) V or less. The KV-E8TP has a common method shared inside. The KV-E8TP has a rising operation time from OFF to ON is fifty (50)µs or less. The KV-E8TP has a falling operation time from ON to OFF of two-hundred and fifty (250)µs or less. The KV-E8TP through Keyence is a small black extension unit. The top of the device is labeled in purple reading C1 zero through three (C1 0-3) V1, V2 with an OUT port on the top right corner. The bottom of the device also labeled in purple it reads C2 four through seven ( C2 4-7) V3 and V4 with an OUT port on the bottom right. The KV-E8TP has two (2) white buttons on the left-hand side labeled "CH" The KV-E8TP has nine (9) LED lights. One LED light reads READY/ERROR and lights up orange. The other eight (8) lights are labeled zero through seven (0-7) light up RED when in operation.