About the 5703-2
The 5703-2 is a processing unit that operates as an electric signal to light converter and does not alter the signal in any way, and is used to power speed locked drives.
The design and specifications of the processor model includes one fiber optic receiver and a pair of fiber optic transmitters that convert and send signals to the drives that are connected to the processing unit.
It uses R 232 triggers to connect to the 590P drives. The jumper position determines the signal transmitted by TX2. When the jumper connects pins 1 and 2, TX2 re-transmits the input received from RX. When the jumper connects Pins 2 and 3, TX2 transmits the same signal as TX1. Unfortunately, the signal between SK1 and TX1 is not able to be configured.
Make sure that you configure the P3 port on the drive in a manner that will be able to support this module. At least 21 volts of direct current are needed for the module to operate, and is capable of handling a maximum of 26 DCV.
The 5703-2 is protected with an IP 20 graded casing, weighing 100 grams, and with dimensions of a 127 millimeter height, by a width of 22 mm, and with a depth of 152 mm. The 5703-2 is designed to be mounted by a standard issue DIN rail, which can be attached to the mount either symmetrically or asymmetrically. This model operates successfully in a temperature range that is between -10 and 90 degrees Celsius.