About the PFXGP4501TMA
The PFXGP4501TMA is GP4000 Touchscreen HMI Display that is manufactured by Pro-Face. Unlike many of the other GP4000 HMIs, the PFXGP4501TMA uses 120VAC Input voltage to energize it. The "A" in the part number is representative of the AC Input for this less installed touchscreen model. For any technicians planning installation of the GP-4501, the panel cut dimensions are 259 mm (width) x 201 mm (height) [10.5 in x 7.91 in] while the panel thickness is 1.6-5 mm [0.06 to 0.2 in]. In order for the PFXGP4501TMA to function properly in a customer's machine, an application specific program must be loaded to the panel either using the GP-Pro Ex Software or by installing an SD Card. Once installed, the program should remain intact even during power outages as long as the lithium battery backup holds a charge.
Our experiences with the PFXGP4501TMA and similar touchscreen HMI modules, points to a lower higher failure rate for panel with VAC input. The power board on this unit can be determined faulty if no indicator lights appear when the HMI is energized. However, if indicator lights illuminate when 120VAC is put to the panel but nothing comes up on the screen, it is likely a failure of the LCD Display or the Backlight. Both are replaceable and if replaced properly the program should still be retained on the motherboard during the repair process. Lastly, users may find that one of the communication ports on the PFXGP4501TMA is no longer sending or receiving signals. If this occurs, it is likely that board-level repairs are necessary and the program may be lost during this process. Users are advised to keep a backup of their program in case of module failure so the uniquely designed program can be downloaded onto a replacement HMI or reloaded when the original PFXGP4051TMA is repaired.
While AX Control continues to stock, sell, and repair the PFXGP4501TMA and other HMI panels from the GP4000 series, if you are interested in learning about the product migration to the next series of Pro-face HMIs, please reach out to the OEM or an Authorized Distributor.