About the AGP3500-T1-AF-FN1M
The AGP3500-T1-AF-FN1M is one of the GP3000 10.4-inch HMI options available here at AX Control. It is also sometimes referred to by the Global code PFXGP3500TAAFN.
This human-machine interface offers a TFT color LCD display with 640 x 480 pixel VGA resolution. It has an effective display area of 211.2 mm by 158.4 mm. This is fronted by an analog resistive film touchscreen with a touch panel service life of over one million touches and lit by a replaceable CCFL backlight. Since this backlight has a service life of over 50K hours (continuous operation) before needing replacement, this maintenance will only be required every few years. Our team will be happy to provide you with this service at a later date if you don’t want to replace it yourself. The panel has no contrast control but does offer eight levels of brightness control, adjustable through the panel.
As a FLEX NETWORK type unit, the AGP3500-T1-AF-FN1M has both integer variable inputs and outputs as well as bit variable inputs and outputs. This can be software-dependent. When using GP-Pro EX under V. 2.50 bit variables enable to I/O 256 points and integer variables enable to I/O 64 points. The unit uses a 6-pin connector.
Refer to associated Proface Xycom manuals and user guides for additional information. Installation guidelines should be fully understood and followed. This is for your safety as well as to extend the service life of your equipment.
AX Control can typically have in-stock products ready to ship within hours of your order’s receipt.