About the AGP3750-T1-D24
The Pro-face AGP3750-T1-D24 touch screen is included in the GP3000 series which is part of the HMI product family. The AGP3750-T1-D24 supports a 15-inch no grid analog touch panel TFT color LCD display. The power requirements for this product are the standard 120V or 220/240V AC or alternatively, 24V DC.
The display contains a protective film and a CCFL type backlight. The graphics supports 1024x768 pixels XGA) resolution for graphics display. W306.2 x H230.1 mm (W12.06 in x H9.06 in) is the supported display area.
It contains one type II card slot. It supports RS -232C/RS-422 (COM1) and RS-422/485 (COM2) serial ports. The EPROM programmable memory supports 16 mb flash (10 MB when the event recorder function is in use) application area. The display supports 65,536 colors (no blink) /16384 colors (3-speed blink). The AGP3750-T1-D24 also supports a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connection.
The device contains a 64-bit RISC 266Mhz CPU for high speed screen refresh and data sampling.
The AGP3750-T1-D24 supports audio output, two USB connectors, Direct MPI support, plus compatibility with the GP2000-VM41 4 channel video mix module. The AGP3750 supports up to four simultaneous protocols for flexibility.
The optional CompactFlash card provides support for data logging, trending, and field upgrades. The CompactFlash card also provides support for importing images or capturing images from a video camera. CompactFlash cards with up to 512Mb of storage are available.
The GP-PRO EX software enables HMI application development. The AGP3750 can display video images from four cameras connected to the display at the same time. It accepts sound input from a microphone and can produce audio output.