About the 45C203
The 45C203 is a Reliance Electric produced Serial Communication Processor. This processor may have been also created by Asea Brown Boveri and Reliance Electric depending on what year it was in production. This processor has been discontinued by the manufacturers and is no longer available for purchase directly for them. AX Control does attempt to have this part in stock when possible. Please contact us directly to see if it is available and what condition it is in.
The 45C203 was created to go along with an AutoMate 30/40 series controller. This is considered to be in the Microprocessor-based I/O card family. This card is designed to control issues that crop up independently of the AutoMate processor. By allowing the 45C203 to function this way, the AutoMate is then free to perform its own functions and reducing system scan times. It allows for communication between typical RS-232 or 20mA devices, printers, and host computers. There are two types of functions this device can perform. It can be in a host computer mode, which allows it to talk to a terminal device and alter I/O points, controller status, and registers. The second mode it can be in is program control mode. This mode allows the processor to be controlled by the user’s application program and to send and receive messages.
The 45C203 has basic features include DB25 connectors, an on-board power supply, and 3 serial communication channels. It also maintains software-selectable communication parameters, baud rate, and parity. It has electrical isolation and RS-232 or 20mA Signals.