About the 45C410
The 45C410 control processor is a device that Reliance Electric was responsible for designing and producing. However, this product is no longer being made by Reliance Electric, but AX Control may still have this product in stock. Check our website or contact us via email or phone for information on whether or not the 45C410 control processor is available.
With the standard AutoMate 40 controller module, the 45C410 control processor and the 45C400 logic processor are included. By using these two additional devices, the AutoMate 40 controller module has the ability to support a maximum of 2048 digital I/O. This controller module uses software that allows for it to do many different functions, such as permitting the processors to leave the main application program scan to answer to certain real time inputs. Also, the AutoMate controller can perform interrupt servicing, which is used to permit the processors to leave the main application program scan so that it can respond to certain real time inputs.
The 45C410 control processor has within it a microprocessor, specifically branded as the Motorola 68000, so that it is capable of performing advanced software functions like ASCII communications, mathematics, program flow control, the conversion of data, and many more. In addition to that, the 45C410 control processor also has on it an RS-232 communications port and a total of four status indicator lights.
The 45C410 control processor has a total weight of 1.95 lbs. or 0.88 kg. This total does not include any shipping materials that we include with the packages that we send to our customers.