About the 45C411
The 45C411 unit was created by Reliance Electric to be an enhanced control processor. After a while, this device’s production was cancelled. Despite this halt in production, we here at AX Control may have this device still in stock, which is noted here on this page. If you have any questions, however, concerning the availability of this product, you may contact us by either phone or email.
The 45C411 enhanced control processor is made to be part of the Enhanced AutoMate 40 controller, often shortened to the AutoMate 40E controller. The 45C411 enhanced control processor, in conjunction with the 45C400 logic processor, will be used to address up to 8192 digital I/O. This makes the 45C411 enhanced control processor unit the most powerful of the control processor units.
All of the other AutoMate 40 processors, including the AutoMate 40E processor, utilize the exact same software features for programming. In addition to all of the AutoMate 30E software’s features, this newer software also includes additional instructions that are made to allow for improved communications as well as string handling capabilities. In addition to that, there is the capability for interrupt servicing, which will allow the processor to respond to real time inputs which are activated by a main application program scan.
The 45C411 enhanced control processor, like all of the other control processors that are used by the AutoMate 40 controllers, have within them the Motorola 68000 microprocessors. These microprocessors are designed to allow the control processor unit to be able to perform certain advanced software functions, like mathematics and program flow control.