About the 45C630
The 45C630 module is a 4-Decade Thumbwheel Switch Input Module that was created by Reliance Electric. AX Control makes an attempt to supply the 45C630 thumbwheel module even though Reliance Electric has stopped producing it. Check on the 45C630 thumbwheel module’s availability by calling or email us at any time during our regular business hours.
The 45C630 thumbwheel module has a total of four thumbwheel switches that can be adjusted by the user to be set using the numbers 0 through 9. At the back, you will find methods for connecting this device to the applicable ports so it can be used with the device of your choosing.
The 45C630 thumbwheel module can be connected to an AutoMax PMI’s rail port, either the port labeled 0 or the one labeled 1. These rail ports are used to assign variable names directly to the rail ports that are on the PMI. Each rail port has a set of bits which are used in displaying any relevant errors that can occur and a fault counter that will increment every time it detects a bad communication check. To activate the 45C630 thumbwheel module when it is connected, use the display to select the ADD option under the configure menu. After that, you must click OK for the device to be added to the screen.
For further information on the 45C630 thumbwheel module, use the manual with the number J-3654.
The 45C630 thumbwheel module is a small device and therefore it is light in weight. This device has a total weight of only about 1.45 lbs. or 0.66 kg.