About the 57C445
The 57C445 is a PC Link Interface made by Reliance Electric. This interface may have also been created under the Baldor Reliance or Asea Brown Boveri names depending on when it was actually created. This part is no longer receiving any type of support from these companies and could be hard to locate. AX Control does try to keep this part in stock.
The 57C445 is meant to be an interface between an AutoMax DCS and an IBM compatible PC. This card allows these two devices to exchange information at a speed of 1.75 megabaud. It gets these speeds because it does not use an RS-232 connection. This card has the ability to facilitate data collection, system programming, process monitoring, diagnostics, and user/machine interfaces. This card comes with Network Communication Software. This module can be paired with up to 15 other modules per processor rack and 7 remote racks per module when it is on a remote I/O communications system. It can have up to 56 nodes (1 master and 55 slaves) on a DCS-Network system.
The 57C445 does not come protected by a chassis or enclosure. It is a very basic circuit board and is considered to be a half-slot card. It plugs directly into a female card slot. There are two connections on the small faceplate of this card that are BNC connectors. These are coaxial connections that hookup the 57C445 to the AutoMax network. Only two of these cards can be used on the same computer system.
The 57C445 should only be stored in temperatures between 40 and 85 degrees Celsius and should only operate between 5 and 50 degrees Celsius.