About the DC1-50
Reliance Electric makes the DC1 series of controllers, which includes DC1-50. This particular unit is designed for speed control. To adjust the speed range, first measure the armature voltage, which should be approximately proportional to the speed. 115 volt control is 90 VDC, which is equal to 100% speed. 230 volt control is 180 VDC, which is equal to 100% speed. Next, press the Run button and slowly turn the Speed pot to maximum (fully CW). Remember that the motor should run at about 50% of the maximum speed. Slowly turn the maximum speed pot clockwise until about 80% speed is reached, and then turn the speed pot fully counterclockwise.
Upon start up of the controller, adjust the maximum and minimum speed pots. Then adjust the Current Limit. 150% of the J5 armature current setting is the maximum D-C current output from the controller with the Current Limit pot turned CW. Turn the Current Limit pot CCW until an adequate setting is obtained if 150% of the J5 armature current is excessive for the application or if stress on the driven equipment must be reduced. Next, adjust the IR drop compensation. IR drop compensation is not required if the torque demand on the drive motor is relatively uniform. If this is the case, turn the IR drop compensation pot to zero. If the load torque is changing, the increased load will cause a speed change. Turn the IR drop compensation pot slightly CW until this drop is minimized. The maximum and minimum speed settings must then be rechecked.