About the 0-48652-4
The 0-48652-4 is a printed circuit board made by Reliance Electric. The front of this board has the option for four knobs. It comes with three already installed. They are labeled LIMIT 1, LIMIT 2, and JOG. Each knob has a black dial with white markings and is labeled zero through ten. These knobs are known as variable resistors and are adjustable independently of each other. At the top and bottom of this front panel is two silver cylindrical piece. These are used to secure the 0-48652-4 into place and only need to be hand tightened. The circuit board section that is connected to this front panel has over eighty metal tabs. These metal tabs are used to secure various components to the circuit board, such as diodes, resistors, capacitors, or lengths of wires. These pieces simply wrap around one of the metal tabs and the other end wraps around a second metal tab (usually directly across from the first metal tab). This manner of part installation is super simple and allows for the circuit board to be completely customized to exactly what you need it for, with absolutely no need to solder anything at all. The metal tabs are set up in straight lines down the width of the board and have markings to let the engineer know where the positive and negative ends of each component should be placed.
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