About the 0-48680-116
The 0-48680-116 is a GP200 REGULATOR CARD manufactured by Reliance Electric. The 0-48680-116 is a large card with twenty-seven various sized integrated circuits. These are the components that control or regulate the circuit boards functions. The 0-48680-116 has an oval crystal oscillator. There is a large enclosed transformer in one corner and near the transformer on the circuit board, it is marked HIGH VOLTAGE. There are several clusters of jumper pins around the circuit board, that act as electric switches when cover or uncovered. These pins are customizable to what the engineer would like to have done. The 0-48680-116 card has two plug-in female connectors, a three-port female connector with screws and a nineteen-port female connector with screws. The 0-48680-116 also uses twelve other male connectors with an array of metal pins in each to connect things to the circuit board. The regulator card has eight holes throughout the surface to use in order to secure the circuit board. The 0-48680-116 card also has a large number of surface mounted multilayer ceramic capacitors and surface mounted resistors. The surface mounted resistors or SMD and the ceramic tile capacitors are very small and are placed around the larger components in tight clusters. The clusters can be so tight that the green circuit board cannot be seen through them. Learn additional details about the 0-48680-116 by using Reliance Electric’s service manuals and informational data sheets.
If you would like to purchase the 0-48680-116 you can message or call the staff of AX Control.