About the 0-51377-40
The 0-51377-40 is a circuit board from Reliance Electric. The 0-51377-40 is a small circuit board with not much to it. The 0-51377-40 features five long black connection ports in the middle of the circuit board. They are labeled TSTH, VTDB, VTAB, VTGA, and CLSA (from left to right on the circuit board). There are fourteen metal sticks on the left edge labeled from top to bottom 32A, 109A, 32, 31, 33, 112, 109, 110, 111, 114, 28, 326, 57, and 367. At the top edge, there is a red tab labeled -12V across the top and MOT (+) +12V across the bottom. There are twelve metal sticks jointly labeled +28V. These twelve metal sticks are broken up into groups of four and labeled A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, and C-. There are then three metal sticks labeled 163, 162 and 161. Then six more metal sticks labeled THY3, -12V, THY2, -12V, THY1, and -12V on one side and W, R, W, R, W, and R on the opposite side. Then two more metal sticks labeled 451, and 471. On the right side of the circuit board are twenty-seven more metal sticks. These are labeled (from top to bottom) 23, 516, 22, 71, 56, 57, SNUBBER ON SIGNAL, -12VA, -6.3VA, 0VA, +6.3VA, +12VA, 245+, 145-, DISCHARGE FAIL, DISCHARGE FIRING, 120, 121, 38V, -12V, 99, and 100.
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