About the 0-51847-2
The 0-51847-2 is VLDC card that was produced by Reliance Electric. The front panel of the 0-51847-2 has three red LED indicator lights. The top LED light is marked Feed Permissive, the second LED light is marked Gear Tool Change Permissive, and the third LED light is marked Tapping. There are also two black dials on the front panel. Each dial has numbers inscribed on them going from zero to ten. The top dial is marked Gear Tool Change Speed Calibrate, and the bottom dial is marked Overspeed Rate Slowdown. The VLDC card gets its power from being used in a power rack system. The circuit board itself has a small metal rack at the back that can hold two smaller circuit boards (that are not included and sold separately). To install the two small circuit boards all one must do is unscrew the upper support, slide the smaller cards into the slots and re-secure the upper support. The 0-51847-2 uses six silver transistors, eight small black transistors, five varistor resistors, forty-six light blue fusible resistors, six red fusible resistors, two light pink fusible resistors, ten signal diodes, two Zenner diodes, and a polypropylene capacitor. The VLDC card does have a grid pattern on the surface, however, the electrical traces are larger squares or blocks then thin lines on a standard circuit board. This blocks out much of the grid pattern. The 0-51847-2 also features surface wiring as well.
If you would like to order the 0-51847-2 please email or call AX Control.