About the 0-51865-1
0-51865-1 Current Loop Driver
The 0-51865-1 functions as a Current Loop Driver Board, and is manufactured by Reliance Electric. Due to changes within the company, your board may be marked as manufactured by either ABB/Asea Brown Boveri or by Baldor-Reliance; however, the board part number should still be the same.
The 0-51865-1 is a component-dense board with seven auxiliary boards attached to the motherboard. It is fronted by a faceplate that attaches to the motherboard using screw connections. This faceplate has two rotary-style dials that are marked current rate and current gain. Each dial connects to a potentiometer that is located on the front edge of the circuit board.
The 0-51865-1 is marked on its surface by a grid pattern. The motherboard is populated by two integrated circuits, transistors, capacitors made from polyester vinyl and electrolytic material, and diodes. The motherboard also has a metal rack system attached to its surface comprised of two metal uprights on each board end connected by a metal crossbar and two side pieces. This rack supports seven auxiliary boards that connect to the board at a 90-degree angle. Six of these boards are duplicates of each other and are populated by transistors, capacitors, resistors, and diodes. The last board (placed at the front of the board,) has a different configuration than the other six but shares some of the same components. It also has several ceramic disk capacitors.
More information regarding the operation of the 0-51865-1 may be found through Reliance publications like data sheets, manuals, or user guides. Reliance was responsible for all technical support for this series of boards.