About the 0-51874
0-51874 Static Sequence Card Module
The 0-51874 is a control board manufactured by Reliance Electric for use within the company’s drive systems. Other possible manufacturer names that could appear on your equipment include Baldor-Reliance or ABB/Asea Brown Boveri. The 0-51874 remains the same.
The 0-51874 functions as a Static Sequence Card module. This is a single board component fronted by a faceplate. The faceplate connects to the circuit board using screw connections threaded through factory drilled holes. The faceplate includes two mounting screws to lock the board into the rack system, a single red LED indicator labeled “1 S Relay is energized when light is on,” and a bank of six screws for other connections. These connections are labeled 1 / 2 Start, 3 / 4 M Aux, and 5 / 6 M Coil. These connections wire to the board using black and yellow wires.
The 0-51874 is populated by various components. The board is marked with a grid pattern, the board number, and with the Reliance logo, but the components are not marked with reference designators. Board components include two relays, eight integrated circuits, surface wiring, diodes, transistors, metal film, and carbon composite resistors, and various capacitors. Capacitors include disk capacitors, aluminum electrolytic, and polyester vinyl. Some capacitors are supported secondarily by zip tie connections threaded through the board’s surface.
If detailed information on installation, board operation or maintenance is required, please refer to publications supplied by Reliance Electric as ongoing technical support, such as manuals, data sheets, and user guides. These publications will also provide detailed handling and safety information.