About the 0-51884-1
0-51884-1 LSCA Reliance Electric Drive board
The 0-51884-1 is a PCB printed circuit board from Reliance Electric. This component is used within Reliance drive systems.
The 0-51884-1 is comprised of a narrow faceplate connected to a circuit board. The faceplate includes three rotary dials and two set screws. The rotary dials each connect to potentiometers that are located to the rear of the faceplate and are attached to the surface of the circuit board. These dials are labeled “tach calibrate,” “reference calibrate,” and “arm. Volt calibrate.” Set screws are typically finger tightened, and are designed to lock the module into place once it is inserted into its place within a rack system.
The 0-51884-1 is printed on its surface with a grid pattern. It is populated by seventeen integrated circuits, transistors, ceramic capacitors, polyester vinyl capacitors, diodes, and resistors. Surface wiring is used to connect faceplate components into the board. It is also used in other places on the board.
The 0-51884-1 is marked with the Reliance Electric logo. In some cases, this board may come from ABB or from Baldor-Reliance, due to changes in company structure. The part number (0-51884-1) will still be the same regardless of the manufacturer.
More detailed information about the 0-51884-1 and its operation or installation may be found through Reliance publications. This includes data sheets and manuals. User guides will also have information pertaining to safety and handling procedures.
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