About the 0-51902
0-51902 Driver card
The 0-51902 is a PCB board component manufactured by Reliance Electric for use within various drive systems made by the company. In some cases, this component will have the Reliance logo. In others, it may be marked as an ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) or as a Baldor-Reliance product. The part should reflect the 51902 number in all cases.
The 0-51902 functions as a Driver card within the Reliance system. This board is rectangular in shape, with a conductive backplane tab located on one long edge of the board. The opposite front edge is populated by twelve stab-on connectors. These are alternately labeled “red” or “white” and are also labeled with various number/letter combinations, for example, G-152 or K-55.
The 0-51902 has six transformers located in a single line. Each transformer lines up with two carbon composite resistors, a diode, an integrated circuit, a transistor, a disk capacitor, and two polyester vinyl capacitors. The board has additional components, including other resistors, disk capacitors, and diodes that fall outside of this pattern. The board is drilled in several locations and is marked with an open grid pattern across its entire surface. Components are not marked with reference designators, but many are marked with their manufacturer part numbers. More information regarding the board operation, or information about how to install the board within Reliance drives, may be found within various publications like data sheets, series user guides, or manuals. Reliance Electric was responsible for providing all technical support for this product, including written technical support.