About the 0-52842
The 0-52842 is a Two-Phase MTR-PDCA manufactured by Reliance Electric. The 0-52842 has a front panel with a small dial marked GAIN and has a range from zero to ten. The front panel also has a two-port standard terminal block, with the openings marked 115 1 and VAC 2. The top edge of the front panel is marked PDCA and the lower edge has the part number (0-52842). The 0-52842 has two transformers. One is marked TR-12659 64977-94-R and the other marked TR-12660 64977-95-R. The transformer marked TR-12659 64977-94-R has a red wire, an orange wire, a yellow wire and a black wire coming from it. The transformer marked TR-12659 64977-94-R has a yellow wire, an orange wire, a light brown wire, a dark blue wire and a black wire coming from it. The 0-52842 has three small polypropylene capacitors and a medium polypropylene capacitor as well as four radial ceramic capacitors that are yellow. The card has a small gray variable resistor along with a handful of linear style resistors. The 0-52842 also features a few Zenner didoes. All of these components are placed at the upper edge and rear of the circuit board. The remainder of the card is bare. The 0-52842 is set up in a grid pattern and the lines are marked with letters and numbers. For additional information please refer to the data sheets and instruction manuals produced by Reliance Electric.
For a quote on the 0-52842 call or email the friendly and knowledgeable staff at AX Control.