About the 0-54355
0-54355 Reliance Tach Scaling Card- The 0-54355 is a board component manufactured by Reliance Electric. This board is used within Reliance drives, most often in the MaxPak Plus DC variable speed drive.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The 0-54355 functions as a Tach Scaling Card. It is most often used in field regulator applications. Used within the MaxPak Plus, this card can cal d-c tach voltages from 14 to 250 volts dc. The 0-54355 provides an output signal that is ½ of the tach voltage input. Please note this card is mounted outside of the Regulator assembly, on the right-hand side. The jumper wire (described below) must be attached to the proper wire wrap pin that matches the full speed tach voltage of your drive.
The 0-54355 is a small card with only a few components. It is printed across its surface with a grid pattern. The board is drilled in all corners. The left edge includes a right-hand two-position terminal strip. The right edge is populated by a single polyvinyl capacitor supported by two zip ties. The interior of the card includes a single jumper wire that can connect to one of several wire wrap pins located in a line along the center of the board. Additional pins are located in the upper right corner. Other board components include diodes, resistors, and other surface wires. For more detailed information about the use or operation of this board, please consult Reliance publications like product manuals or series user guides.