About the 0-54394-3
The 0-54394-3 is a small base driver card by Reliance Electric. This circuit board is propped up on a metal base by four plastic pegs. The circuit board has a zero to fifty labeled edge with increases of five. The other edge is A through Z AA through AY and BA. Even though this circuit board is compact it holds quite a lot of components. The circuit board has two large mat black resistors, about twenty various other resistors with either their abilities printed on them or solid light blue with bands, or dark brown with bands. All of them in a variety of sizes. The bands can be read using a chart to determine that resistors abilities. The circuit board has an array of diodes as well ranging in color from black with a silver line, to orange and glass-like with a black line, to white with a black line. Each diode regardless of color or size also has its abilities marked on the side. There is integrated circuits that store data for the circuit board. The circuit board also has capacitors ranging from large to small and of different shapes and colors. There are orange squares, mustard brown circles which fall under the polyester style of capacitors, and larger dark-colored PCB Mount Electrolytic capacitors. There is also a crystal oscillator with a black metal fence around it. The circuit board also has four large black wires across the surface as well as a white and a red wire that is twisted together that runs across the surface.