About the 0-57300
The 0-57300 is a PC BOARD INTERFACE FLD POWER MODULE that was made by Reliance Electric. The 0-57300 features eight transformers placed near the lower edge of the card. Below each transformer is a signal diode, a linear resistor, and a small capacitor and two metal pins placed next to each other.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The left metal pin (for all eight sets) is labeled with a “K” and the right metal pin is labeled with a “G”. Below each metal pin, it is also marked which type and color of wire should be attached to it. In front of each transformer is a circular varistor resistor and a pale blue linear resistor. The 0-57300 then has two PCB electrolytic capacitors, two yellow polypropylene capacitors, ten more signal diodes, thirty-one other linear resistors, three transistors, ten polyester capacitors, and twelve integrated circuits.
The 0-57300 has eight more metal pins at the upper edge of the circuit board that is also marked with what type and color wire should be attached to them. In the upper right corner, there is a section that is marked off with a thick white line and labeled CAUTION. There are four thin metal tabs and twelve light blue linear resistors. On the far left of the circuit board, there are two female connection points. One is small and the other is large, each female port has a spot on either side for the harnesses to be anchored down. AX Control’s skilled staff is standing by to assist you. This 0-57300 Power Module Interface Board device, as with any one of our many new and reconditioned PCB product offering offered through our site here, is available with a three-year warranty guaranteed upon any original purchase.