About the 0-60002-3
The 0-60002-3 is a DC Power Technology Module from Reliance Electric. It is designed to fit into a Four-slot PMI Rack for an SD3000 or SF3000 drive system along with a power supply, a PMI processor module, and a resolver and Drive I/O processor. All of these modules are designed with set screws to secure them into place once they have been inserted into the rack system.
The 0-60002-3 power module weighs approximately 0.68 pounds. That weight is before the addition of shipping materials. The unit is designed to offer continuous duty armature power (adjustable voltage) to DC motors using SCR rectification of three phase power.
The 0-60002-3 is designed with a backplane connector that allows the board to communicate with other modules. The opposite board edge is fitted with a connected front faceplate that includes two set screws that hold the unit in place once it has been installed in a rack system. The front faceplate includes four plugs labeled P1 through P1. Additionally, these are labeled armature feedback, armature fwd gates, armature rev gates, and field fdbk & gates. There is an “OK” LED above the P1 plug.
The 0-60002-3 circuit board is populated with a number of different components including Xilinx FPGAs, other integrated circuits, capacitors, relays, and diodes. The board is marked with a number of different codes and id marks for easy identification. Additional information regarding the proper use, upkeep, and installation of this module can be found through documentation from the OEM such as manuals and user guides.