About the 109150-23R
The 109150-23R is a Tension Control Board from Reliance Electric. This board is one of many drive boards available within AX Control stock that was originally manufactured by Reliance Electric. Your part may have originated from Asea Brown Boveri or Baldor Reliance depending on the year of purchase. However, part number typically remains the same.
The 109150-23R Tension Control Board includes a front faceplate with two rotary dials as well as two set screws to hold the unit in place once it has been installed. Each dial is individually labeled and connects to a potentiometer located on the surface of the printed circuit board. Additionally, there are two circular punchouts below these dials for the addition of two other dials that have not been utilized. The faceplate has been marked with the Reliance logo and with the board’s id number. The attached circuit board is populated with all components necessary for running the control board, some of which may be marked with their original manufacturer id numbers.
The 109150-23R is designed for use within Reliance Electric systems like the Automax PLC. These distributed control systems rely on ladder logic and control block programs for simple and dependable operation. Additional information about the overall unit or about this specific board can be found through Reliance Electric manuals and user guides, which will provide detailed information regarding handling, installation, and maintenance.
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