About the 612405-9R
The 612405-9R replacement part was originally manufactured by Reliance Electric. This is a short analog cable connector. This wired cable connector will be available within AX Control stock as either used but refurbished stock or as new surplus stock. Our sales staff can help you determine which option is best for your needs, as well as giving you specifics on what is currently available. Some of these parts may have originally shipped under company names Asea Brown Boveri or Baldor-Reliance.
The 612405-9R cable is typically used for analog connections. It has male connectors placed on both ends of the cable. Each of these connectors has twelve pins and also includes two small set screws to ensure once a connection is made with a female port it remains secure.
The 612405-9R component is very short and weighs approximately 0.19 pounds before the addition of shipping/packing materials. Our warehouse facility will pack this component to ensure it is received in perfect condition, so shipping weight may be significantly higher. The cabling is minimized on this component to ensure ground loops and noise pickup is reduced.
Additional information about this cable can be found through Reliance manuals, user guides, and data sheets. These should have arrived with your original components. However, if you no longer have your original documentation AX Control may be able to help with replacement copies along with your completed order.
Our facilities are located just south of Raleigh, North Carolina. If you are close by, we welcome your courier or local pickup if you prefer that to shipping. Talk to our staff about arranging these options.