About the 802273-307T
The 802273-307T is a product of Reliance Electric. The 802273-307T card has measurements on two out the four sides and is labeled zero through one hundred on both sides and the numbers increase in increments of five. The 802273-307T has two large square cut-outs in the center of the card. On either short edge of these cutouts is three transformers (twelve in total). The circuit board also features six large light blue suppressor style capacitors. There are three large circular capacitors and twelve small yellow capacitors. The 802273-307T has six long pale gray ceramic coated wire wrapped resistors, six large black thick film resistors, and forty smaller linear style resistors. The 802273-307T has multiple connection points including a long white male terminal on the lower edge, a small red male terminal with twelve golden pins on the lower left edge, two red two pin male terminals and a four-hole red female terminal all near the upper left edge. The 802273-307T also has four wire surface wires, five light gray surface wires, and eight black surface wires. At the end of each wire is some type of connector either an eye hook style or a slide over connector that has a plastic coating. Each component is labeled with what is it and where is falls numerically on the circuit board. For further details look at the Reliance Electric data sheets and instruction manuals.
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