About the S-25025
The S-25025 is a CCC2 Control Card that used to be produced by Reliance Electric. The front panel has a large standard terminal block that has thirteen openings each marked with their respective number. There are six variable resistor knobs on the front panel also. The first knob is marked MAX DRAW and has zero through ten marked around the knob. The second is marked LOW LIMIT and has zero through ten marked around the knob, the third is marked 13P and has zero through ten marked around the knob, the fourth is marked MAX REF and has zero through ten around the knob, the fifth is marked LIM1 and has zero through ten marked around the knob, and the sixth is marked MAX I and has zero to ten around the knob. The circuit board section of the S-25025 has parts scattered all over with no real organization. The CCC2 control card has twenty-one fixed linear resistors and six varistor resistors. There are four integrated circuits, four gray capacitors, two silver transistors, and sixteen diodes. The S-25025 also features a lot of surface wiring on this side, as well as many areas to connect additional components. Every part is labeled, including the empty spaces where parts can be added. For more in-depth information about the S-25025 please see Reliance Electric’s detailed manuals and data sheets.
To order the S-25025 email or call the staff at AX Control. They will also be happy to explain the shipping options we offer.