About the S-25060
The S-25060 is a DRIVE TEST POINT CIRCUIT BOARD produced by Reliance Electric. The S-25060 is a power rack style circuit board. The front plate of the S-25060 has three yellow dials and around each dial, it is marked zero through ten. The first dial is labeled 11P, the second dial is labeled 12P, and the third dial is labeled 13P. Below these dials are elevated metal pins with plastic bases. There are eleven of these pins and they are marked 1TP, 2TP, 3TP, 4TP, 2MO, and COM. The surface of the circuit board attached to the front plate has minimal pieces. These pieces are neatly organized in three rows in the center of the card. The first row has (starting at the front and working toward the back) a small blue and gray capacitor, a three-terminal capacitor, a small integrated circuit, two small crystal diodes, another small blue and gray capacitor, three large tan fixed linear resistors, another small blue and gray capacitor, a three-terminal capacitor, a small integrated circuit, two small crystal diodes, another small blue and gray capacitor, a large black thick film resistor and three large tan fixed linear resistors. The middle row mirrors the first exactly. The third row is made up of different components. For the third row (starting at the front and working toward the back) there are two long gray capacitors, a silver transistor, a crystal diode, and a fixed linear resistor. Then there is another set of the same parts placed right behind the first.