About the SF-68193
The SF-68193 is a circuit board made by Reliance Electric. The SF-68193 has a screw connector with thirty-seven screws on one of the short edges. The screws are labeled -12V, 0V, +12V, MT1, MT2, LMTF, LMTR, SLT, PGZ, PGZ -, PGA, PGA-, PGB, PGB -, -12V, 0V1, +12V1, and +0PE. The circuit board has five circular potentiometers with yellow adjustable centers. There are thirteen small blue variable resistors referred to as trimmers with white or yellow adjustable centers. The board also has four large silver metal oxide resistors. The SF-68193 uses over one hundred pale blue carbon film style resistors as well. The SF-68193 utilizes a variety of capacitors as well from polyester capacitors, PCB mount electrolytic capacitors, and radial ceramic capacitors. The SF-68193 has about thirty-five orange raise circles with a metal “T” shaped piece coming through the centers. There are six sets of metal pins around the circuit board. Each set is secured in place using a white plastic base. The card has a total of four switches that are white in a black base. There is also a large and a small set of black boxes with white levers that slide up and down like a dimmer switch instead of switching up and down like a light switch. The SF-68193 has a series of teal green jumper pins. The card has a large number of integrated circuits and transistors.
To receive a hassle-free price quote on or additional information about the SF-68193 card please contact AX Control.