About the 10FN2032
10FN2032 is a non-regenerative 230 VAC FlexPak 3000 drive that is manufactured by Reliance Electric. Wire the D-C motor to the controller. Wire the “COAST/STOP” digital input. Wire user devices to the controller if used. The user devices include Run, Stop, Jog, Rev/Fwd, Auto/Man, Interlock, Fault Reset, Brush Wear, Motor Thermostat, Speed Reference Potentiometer, Auto Reference, Tachometer (Analog), AOUT1 (Metering), AOUT2 (Metering), Running (Indicator), Warning (Indicator), and Fault (Indicator). Before setting up and adjusting the drive, test the equipment. In order to test the equipment, you need a volt-ohmmeter with a sensitivity of 20,000 ohms per volt. The Triplett Model 630 or the Simpson 260 may be used. The inspection can only be conducted with power disconnected from the drive controller. Verify that the wiring of the operator’s station and the wiring to the drive is made with sufficient bare wire to make a good electrical connection. The removal of an excessive length of insulation may needlessly expose conductors with the possibility of shorts or safety hazards resulting.
After the inspection, perform a motor ground check, when setting up the drive, the jumpers on the regulator board may be adjusted. J15 is the regulator type, and the default setting is speed. J16 is the OIM program, and the default setting is enable. J20 is the field loss detect, and the default setting is enable. J21 is the field supply jumper, and there is no default setting. J19 is the manual reference, and the default setting is pot. J14 is the tach v range, and the default setting is 62. J11 is the tach v scale, and the default setting is 16. J10 and J12 are both auto references, and the default setting for both is volts. J18 is the Arm I FB RB. and the default setting is Position 4. The analog tack zero adjust defaults to 0. The armature voltage zero adjust defaults to 0. Only change jumper settings with the controller power off.