About the 15FN2021
The 15FN2021 unit is a DC drive that Reliance Electric created for the FlexPak 3000 family of drives. The 15FN2021 DC drive will usually be in stock here at AX Control. To make sure that it is currently in stock at AX Control, look on our website at any time.
In general, the 15FN2021 DC drive, along with all other DC drives from the FlexPak 3000 series, is a full-wave power convertor. These drives do not come with back rectifiers, but they are outfitted with a digital major loop and a digital current minor loop for either speed regulation or armature voltage by tachometer feedback. These drives use wireless construction and a keypad for drive setup. The keypad can be used for unit selection, monitoring, and diagnostics as well as parameter adjustments. In addition to that, the drive has the ability to be used in many different languages, including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and even numeric code. By using the “CONTROL SOURCE SELECT” key on the keypad, you can select one of the following active sources listed here: SERIAL, TERMBLK, KEYPAD, and NETWORK.
The 15FN2021 DC drive is a 15 HP drive. It is classified as a non-regenerative drive that has a chassis enclosure and is rated at 230 V. In addition to that, the 15FN2021 DC drive is both a UL and a C-UL listed product.
When storing the drive, be sure to keep it away from any sort of corrosive atmosphere. However, you should cover the storage container if you feel that the atmosphere may be damaging to the unit. Also, this device should be kept at an altitude of less than 10,000 feet above sea level and anywhere between the temperatures 65 degrees Celsius and -30 degrees Celsius.