Frequently Asked Questions about 901FK2501
What does the 901FK2501 come equipped with?
The 901FK2501 comes equipped many things including a 1000 amp disconnect, a spacer, a bus bar, and a adapter.
Where can I find the manual for the 901FK2501?
The 901FK2501's manual provides detailed informatin about the 901FK2501 technical specifications and the installation process. Please contact AX Control if you need a copy of the manual or you can search the manual number D2-3422 online.
Can the 901FK2501 use AC line compression terminals?
Yes, the 901FK2501 can be used with FlexPak 3000 AC line compression terminals.
How many AC line connections does the 901FK2501 come with?
The 901FK2501 comes equipped with three different AC line connections that are located on the exerior of the drive.