Frequently Asked Questions about 913FK0750
What is the 913FK0750?
The 913FK0750 is a dynamic braking kit that can be used in conjunction with FlexPak 3000 drives. The 913FK0750 is used to stop the drive's motor and load.
Is the 913FK0750 initiated by a drive fault?
Yes, the 913FK0750 is initiated by a drive fault as well as a coast/dynamic braking command. The 913FK0750 is initiated when the drives motor is no longer running correctly.
What drives are compatible with the 913FK0750?
The 913FK0750 is compatible with a FlexPak 3000 drive with an HP of 75.
Does AX Control offer a warranty with the 913FK0750?
When you purhcase the 913FK0750 from AX Control, you are given a two year warranty. If your 913FK0750 stops working correctly, we will send you a new device, complete all repairs, or grant you a full refund.