About the FP3000-S6R-25-AN-FC
Designed and manufactured by Reliance Electric to be included in the FlexPak 3000 series, the FP3000-S6R-25-AN-FC module is a regenerative power module drive.
The FP3000-S6R-25-AN-FC regenerative drive has a rated horsepower of 10 HP at 460 VAC, while the nominal current rating is 20 and the unit type current rating is 25.
Regenerative drives are defined by Reliance Electric as drives that primarily utilize regeneration of energy from the drive and the motor and back to the drive’s power source. A motor will begin to generate when its load makes the motor speed up faster than the drive has set. Regenerative drives, however, will prevent a motor from over-speeding. The energy that the regenerative drive generates will be put back into whatever the source of the energy was, like an AC line or a battery, for example. The energy can also be dumped across either a dump resistor or a dynamic brake resistor, as is the case in the non-regenerative drives.
When configuring the drive, pay special attention to the reverse disable option. Reverse disable only applies to regenerative drives. When turned on, the reverse disable will prevent the speed reference from dipping into the negative. However, when off, the speed reference is free to drop below zero and the drive has the ability to reverse. Also, be sure that you have a pulse tach quadrature, as they must be used on regenerative drives that use a pulse tachometer. Lastly, be sure to set the Negative Cur Lim parameter, as this is needed for regenerative drives but not non-regenerative drives.