About the 2GU21015
2GU21015 is manufactured by Reliance Electric as a GP2000 drive controller. The nominal horsepower is 15 HP. The controller 3-phase input is 230/208 volts. The controller input KVA is 17.5, the input amps at rated output amps are 44.0, and the maximum controller output is 40.0 amps. The controller application data includes Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). The service factor is 1.0, the displacement power factor is 0.96, and the linearity for the speed reference to the output frequency is plus or minus 1%. The maximum load is 150% for one minute, based on the controller’s nameplate rating. The overcurrent IET is 200% of the load. The current limit adjustment is 50 to 150% of the current limit.
Store the controller in a clean, dry, and cool environment, away from corrosive gases, salt, and chlorine, which can damage the controller. In order to allow for adequate air ventilation, mount the controller where it will have at least 2 inches of space on the sides and 4 inches of space on the top and bottom (adjacent to non-heat producing equipment) or 4 inches of space on the top and bottom (adjacent to heat-producing equipment such as controllers. Mount the controllers vertically with the provided lifting holes. Offset the controllers. Do not mount them in a vertical stack going up the mounting panel or wall. Do not hinder service access. There must be 10-12 inches of service clearance for front and right side entry by the user(s).