About the 2GU22007
Reliance Electric designed the 2GU22007 to be a 7.5HP 200/230V 11.2 KVA drive. It is a part of the GP2000 series of AC V*S drives. It is 50/60Hz and 3-Phase. Depending on production years, there is a chance that this drive was also sold by ABB and Baldor Reliance.
The 2GU22007 has a keypad and LED lights in the center of its very large faceplate. This keypad has many keys and LED indicators that have the capacity to provide information for the status of the drive. On the keypad there is a red stop/reset key and a key that is green that says start. There are buttons that are labeled pgm, set, and mon. There is a trio of corresponding LED and keys that are labeled run/jog, fwd/rev, and auto/man. There is a set of LEDs that have been labeled local and remote control. There is a 4-digit LED and a 2-digit LED that is in charge of displaying output frequencies, voltage, error codes, and motor RPM. There is an LED that indicates drive configurations.
On the inside of the 2GU22007, there are many types of internal components. There is a main regulator that is connected to many different things. It is connected to the keypad and LED system that is described in the previous paragraph. It is connected to a base driver and power supply. The regulator is connected to a current leakage sensor, two ACCTs, and a fan. The user also has the ability to connect optional kits to the regulator using CN connectors. Also included in the drive inner circuitry are diode cubes, precharge relays, bus clamps, resistors, transistor modules, and a noise filter.