About the 0-56947-50
The 0-56947-50 is part of the Reliance Electric GV3000/SE AC Drive Series. This board is used as one of the unit’s Gate Driver boards. The GV3000 is one of Reliance’s PWM (pulse-width-modulated) drives that offers general purpose and vector regulation for a number of industrial applications. This board can be used in drives with frequencies of 50 or 60 HP. The gate drive board should always be replaced in 60 HP drives when the IGBT modules are replaced.
The 0-56947-50 is built with isolated drivers that receive gating signals from the regulator after they have been fed through the current feedback board. The drivers then switch IGBTs to produce a pulse-width-modulated waveform corresponding to the speed or frequency. These IGBTs can be switched at carrier frequencies of 2, 4, or 8 kHz.
The 0-56947-50 is a long and narrow board that is marked on two edges with a grid pattern marked off every half inch. The board is drilled at each corner. Components include six transistors an equal number of integrated circuits, and a number of resistors, capacitors, and diodes. The board also has a vertical pin connector with retaining clips and a line of twelve additional fasteners.
For more information regarding the 0-56947-50 board, please refer to the original documentation from Reliance Electric. Manuals and user guides that reference this board should be read before unboxing your part for installation. This is to ensure the longevity of your equipment and the safety of your staff. AX Control can help with copies of these documents if you no longer have access.