About the 240ET4060
The 240ET4060 model is equipped with a torque self-tune parameter, this specific parameter will display the final results of the self-tuning operations when requested by the U.008 parameter on the drive there are eight potential ranges on this model regarding the self-tune parameters, the sixth parameter range indicates that there is an error involving the bus voltage and that the bus voltage is out of range; when this error has occurred check the alternate current input line and that it is in the range of negative or positive ten of the U.018 parameter range which is typically three hundred to five hundred and sixty-five volts of direct current. The full list of parameter ranges can be found on page 4-75 of the D2-3426-2 GV3000/SE AC Reference Manual which will be attached to this page under the manuals tab.
Sometimes, during the operation of the 240ET4060 drive, faults will occur. Some examples of the faults are function loss, encoder loss, analog input signal loss, network comm loss, over frequency, asymmetrical bus charge, communication loss between the regulator, OIM, and PC, and dozens of other faults. The cause of the network comm loss on the 240ET4060 drive is a loss of communications with the AutoMax network; to correct the fault ensure that the cabling from the network master to the network option board is wired correctly and then check that the network master connection is operating properly.
While the 240ET4060 drive is running there are isolation transformers that can be used to help eliminate damaging currents which could develop if a spike inside of the drive becomes grounded or if damaging line voltages transients reach the drive. The guidelines on how to install the isolation transformer to eliminate the aforementioned can be found in the fifth chapter of the GV3000/SE AC Drive Hardware Reference, Installation, and Troubleshooting Instruction Manual.