About the 2CS3000
This unit is listed as the 2CS3000 module and is designated as a Reliance Electric model configuration kit. It is installed with an advanced software system, the Control and Configuration CS30000 software. This setup allows operators to be able to develop the necessary drive configurations on a personal computer. This system is able to be configured to operate on several Reliance Electric motor control devices. This includes the GV3000 series, the Liqui-Flo line of products, and the FlexPak 3000 control drives.
This Control and Configuration CS3000 software allows operators to be able to create, store, download, and print out drive configurations. It is able to monitor drive status and enables operators to be able to change the drive parameters utilizing a personal computer. It can control the drive’s actions and read and reset the drive with fault and error logic. It is possible to compare a configuration setup in the drive with one stored on the personal computer.
There are several hardware requirements needed when installing the 2CS3000 configuration kit on the personal computer connected to the chosen drive. Some of the hardware requirements needed with the 2CS3000 software kit are a monochrome or color monitor, be sure that the color monitor is VGA or better; an IBM-compatible 486 or Pentium computer that runs Windows 97, Windows NT, Windows 3.1, or later; a hard drive that has a minimum of 1 Mbytes of free space that allows for the software to be downloaded, and a 3.5" floppy drive. For more hardware requirements refer to section 1.3 of the D2-3348 Instruction Manual.