About the GV3000U-AC006-AA-DBT
The GV3000U-AC006-AA-DBT drive is an AC power drive from Reliance Electric as part of their GV3000 series. The GV3000U-AC006-AA-DBT number is considered the catalog number. Two other part numbers are used to reference this drive, 896.03.80, the European stock number, and 3V4160, the US model number. The US model number is the part number most often when referencing this drive, as it is easiest to identify the different features and components. One example is the first character in the US model number, which identifies the horsepower rating. The horsepower rating of this model is 3 HP. Another feature of this drive, denoted by the US model number, is the input voltage which is 380 to 460 V, denoted by the third character in the US model number.
There are two sets of technical data when referring to the GV3000U-AC006-AA-DBT drive. One set is the inverter current, and the other is the motor power. The motor power has the same value when the module is in vector or V.hz mode. The value for the motor power is 2.2 kW. The inverter current values are different depending on the regulator mode. The current in vector mode is 5.3 A at 2 kHz, with the current in V/Hz mode at 5.8 A.
All of the above information about the GV3000U-AC006-AA-DBT drive comes from two specific manuals produced by Reliance Electric. One of the manuals is the D2-3360 GV3000/SE AC Drive Hardware Reference, Installation, and Troubleshooting Manual, which is specific to AC power drives. The other manual is the GV3000-UM060K-EN-P GV3000/SE AC General Purpose and Vector Drive Instruction Manual, which is used for identifying all of the GV3000 drives.