About the 6V41-1P1TA
6V41-1P1TA is a GV6000 AC Drive that is manufactured by Reliance Electric. The nominal duty horsepower is 0.5, the continuous amps are 1.1, and the frame is 0. The dimensions of frame 0 are 110 mm x 336 mm x 200 mm x 80 mm x 320 mm. This drive has a 460 VAC input and is enclosed in a NEMA 1 enclosure. A braking transistor comes standard on this unit. The I/O is 24 VDC.
Fault number 108 is an analog cal. checksum fault, which means that the checksum read from the analog calibration data does not match the checksum calculated. If this fault occurs, the drive must be replaced. Fault number 120 is an I/O mismatch fault, which means that an incorrect I/O board was identified. To correct this fault, restore the I/O board to the original configuration or reset the fault. Fault number 121 is an I/O comm loss fault, which means that the I/O board lost communication with the main control board. To correct this fault, check the connector and check for induced noise. If neither of these options correct the fault, replace the I/O board or the main control board. Fault number 122 is an I/O failure fault, which means that an I/O failed the powerup sequence. This fault can be corrected by replacing the main control board. Fault number 130 is a hardware fault, which means that there is a gate array load error. This can be fixed either by cycling the drive power or by replacing the main control board. Fault number 131 is a hardware fault, which means that there is a dual port failure. This can be fixed either by cycling the drive power or by replacing the main control board.