About the P21M306
A P21M306 is a Reliance Electric created HR2000 C-Face Motor. This motor may have also been created under the manufacturing names Baldor Reliance and Asea Brown Boveri.
The P21M306 is a HR2000 High-Performance Drive. It is a 10 HP motor with a base speed of 1750 RPMs. It has a continued torque rating of 360 lbs. It has a C-Face with feet flange mounting. It has an inertia of .127 lbs. it comes in a TEAD-BC enclosure and it is suggested the 3RA2015 chassis controller be used with it. This motor has a 50/60 Hz input. It has a precise speed control system. It has a single board hybrid regulator that increases the overall reliability of this unit.
The P21M306 features an encoder output that is buffered, a serial pulse conditioning command, and a motor shaft that locks. This motor features a thermally isolated 2500 PPR optical encoder, winding thermostats, and a mating MS encoder connector. There is the possibility of getting this motor with a wash-down enclosure and with brake motors that have 115v or 230v coils, but these features must be purchased separately. This motor is NEMA rated.
For more information about the P21M306, please consult the HR2000 High-Performance Drive datasheets created by Reliance Electric. This sheet will go into more detail about the optional kits you can purchase to further customize the P21M306.
Please don’t hesitate to call or email AX Control about any questions you may have about the P21M306. Please call us directly to check the availability of the P21M306 and to request a price for it.