About the 6MDVN-2P3102
The 6MDVN-2P3102 unit is an AC drive that was designed by Reliance Electric for the MD65 family of drives. Reliance Electric is no longer producing the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive, but it can still usually be found in AX Control’s inventory. Check on the availability of this product using our website or by using our phone number or email address to contact us.
The 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive is a 1 phase drive with a rating of 120 VAC. This drive does not come equipped with an internal filter. When operating at 115 V/230 VAC, the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive is rated as having 2.3 A and 0.5 HP. When operating at 460 VAC, the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive is rated as having 2.3 A and 1 HP. This particular drive cannot run at 600 VAC, although other AC drives in the MD65 line can, such as the 6MDEN-019012 and the 6MDEN-3P0102 modules. If you need an MD65 AC drive that can operate at 600 VAC, then be sure to click on the links above to read about the other two modules and look at purchasing options.
For both the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive’s fuses and circuit breaker, the branch circuit protection rating is 15. The IP20 Open Watts power dissipation rating is 30. The voltage range for this particular drive module is 90-132 V/ In addition to all of that, the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive has 1.15 kVA and 9.0 A.
Please be aware that none of the MD65 drives, including the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive, provide their own branch short circuit protection. Thus, the 6MDVN-2P3102 AC drive should be installed with either an input circuit breaker or input fuses. Please check local codes.
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